; Monero Market


Last seen online ---- 4 months, 3 weeks ago

I have over 16 years experience in Australian healthcare IT and cloud services. Since the Great Lockdowns of Victoria, I sold my company (www.boxtech.com.au), left the country (now living in Hungary), and now I provide security and privacy services to individuals and businesses.

I can help you plan your security and privacy for your devices, whether you need to protect crypto assets, or are a journalist or activist who needs to keep data and sources private. I also assist businesses with securing their data, including providing help with the IT component of Australian GP accreditation.

Note I do not provide general tech support, virus removal, etc.

More information at: www.digitalarchon.com.au

DigitalArchon's Listings

1 XMR = 136.47 USD

May 18th, 2024 - 08:42 AM

