/ Collectibles, Art / Collectibles

Sold by Guilt...Trips

15 USD   /   0.10 XMR

Give a Guilt Trip!!

Our sands and earth are collected from across North America, then bottled into cute glass vials. Gift this to your family and friends, or even yourself, under the stipulation that they will one day return their vial of earth to its origin. Hence, there's now 'Guilt' to take the 'Trip' ;)

All vials are approx 1 ¾” tall with a cork top that will be glued on. No chain is included, but a printed source location will be part of the favor. Please ask all questions before ordering as all sales are final.

All of our products are mailed via USPS Priority with up to $50 of insurance included and only domestically, with the exception of personal communications and an extra fee only to cover the extra shipping.

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Created 1 year, 7 months ago

Shipping from United States

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