/ Collectibles, Art / Art
Seller MunkyTree
/ 2,073.90 USD
Payment Direct Pay
VIDEO - must watch - https://youtu.be/VL29Y_ZYunI?si=ZrclfBtN8NbISgiA
31th Anniversary of CypherPunk's Manifesto by Eric Hughes March 9, 1993
CypherBoard v.1 BLOCK Creation - 833900
1 / 3
ARTist - MadMunky (2140 Art Collective)
Wooden board 40cm / 80cm - burned wood, transaprent paints , hardwax oil numered, singned with QR codes sealed on back - art info and Cypherpunk's Manifesto
Board nr 3 is gone. Just two left. Orginal design
9.march.2024 we celebrated 31th birthday of Cypherpunk’s Manifesto, Cos of this special day I create unique edition of 3 wooden boards showing importance of this text.
CypherBord#1 was presented in Warsaw on BitcoinFilm Festival 19-21 April , LONDON pizza day 22-5.2024 ,Berlin Meetup 6-9.jun.24 , and in BTCPRAGH satelite events 13-16.june24
Created 7 months, 3 weeks ago
Location Poland
Tracking number provided
Stock 1