; Alpharatio Torrent Tracker Invitation

Alpharatio Torrent Tracker Invitation

/ Digital Goods

Seller Turing

15 USD   /   0.07

Payment Direct Pay

AR is one of the best general ratio-based trackers which is a mix of multiple former trackers,
SuperTorrents/StellarWinds (ST/SW) and AlphaOmega (AO) , born in 2014

With database of about 31K users and 311K torrents, almost any content of TV Shows/Movies/Music/
Games/0Day is available there with fast speed and lots of seeders

It is ration-based,it is required to maintain 1:1 ratio or higher
By dropping, account will be on "Ratio Watch", dropping below 0.4 will result in your account being automatically disabled

For every torrent you download at or below 48GB, you are required to seed it to a 1:1 ratio or for 3 days (72 hours)
For every torrent you download above 48GB, you are required to seed it to a 1:1 ratio or for 7 days (168 hours)

There are featured torrents which help users to build up their ration
Freeleech = torrents where only upload is considered (Size>=72)
Neutral Leech = torrent will not count against your download nor upload (Size>=120)

In addition to regular invites, there is Global invites system,This system is semi-automatic and is here
to ensure stable users level on AlphaRatio. The system checks user levels every Saturday, if the Enabled user count is too low,
it opens a portal for users to send invites from the global invites pool, sending these invites will NOT affect your personal invites count.

You only need to register your seedbox if you wish to upload torrents 40GB or larger

Created 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Digital Item

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