; WiFi Deauthers

WiFi Deauthers

/ Electronics / Smart Home Devices

Sold by HyperspaceCybernaut

9.30 USD   /   0.08 XMR

A fun learning tool to prank your neighbors, collogues or friends.

Force Disconnecting connected devices:

Scan nearby WiFi access points select multiple WiFi at once or target any single WiFi and DE-authenticate it. (All the devices connected to that wifi will be disconnected)

Beacons: Host upto 47 custom WiFi hotspots/access points (Dummy) with funny names.

DE-authenticate your target and then host funny messages with beacons to prank your neighbor/friends.

Created 1 year, 3 months ago

Shipping from India

Domestic Shipping only

Tracking number provided

Escrow period 30 days

Available stock 5

1 XMR = 121.62 USD

April 23rd, 2024 - 10:44 AM

