; The Lillim Callina Chronicles

[ Pending Moderation ] The Lillim Callina Chronicles

/ Books, Movies, Music / Books & Magazines

Sold by tony70

0.02 XMR   /   1.86 USD

From Book 1: Lillim Callina was raised to believe she could kill anything. Why wouldn’t she? She was brought up by the Dioscuri, a group of supernatural warriors charged with keeping the human world from being overrun by monsters. The only problem is, they don’t like it so much when you run away.

It all started with a cheap piece of candy. Lillim knew she shouldn't have eaten it, especially since it was sent by her demonic ex-boyfriend.

How was she to know that just one lick would have an ancient, unstoppable dragon kicking in her front door and demanding she help him take over the world? Or that it would get her stuck in the middle of a turf war between a werewolf king and a millennia old vampire?

So now, there’s just one way out of this mess. Kill them all and let God sort them out. Then maybe, just maybe, she’ll think about apologizing to her mother. Nah…

Created 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Digital Item

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1 XMR = 123.98 USD

May 4th, 2024 - 05:42 AM

