Seller ymkle
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Upon purchase, you will be provided with a voucher for Jordan Peterson's Big Five (OCEAN) personality test. https://www.understandmyself.com The test includes 100 questions, which then places your score / 100 people. So for example, if you got 95 on Neuroticism, then in a room with 100 people, you'd be more neurotic than 94 of them. It scores on: Openness (creativity) Conscientiousness (hard work) Extraversion (sociability / happiness) Agreeableness Neuroticism (propensity for negative emotion) In my personal experience, I've found the results to be pretty accurate, though not perfect. So take the results with a grain of salt, but it is nevertheless an extremely useful test. It's pretty damn good for 100 questions. P.S. I suspect most of you to score low on Agreeableness.
Created 1 year, 7 months ago
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