; Monero Market Listing Review

Monero Market Listing Review

/ Business & Industrial

Sold by Moneromaster.com

5 USD   /   0.03 XMR

Professional digital marketer using insights from millions of dollars of ad spend to optimize your XMR Bazaar listing for sales.

As featured on the Monerotopia Podcast EP 172 - https://www.youtube.com/live/-viaPgptV5k?si=N-_0o3Ugjc6JzSh0&t=5651

Check spelling & grammar of your listing (US or UK spelling)

I will also review your: - Listing headline - Featured image - Image carousel - Listing description - XMR Bazaar profile - Mobile & desktop experience

This will be delivered as a .pdf report.

See free listing tips here: https://moneromaster.substack.com/p/tips-to-improve-your-marketplace

Monero Circular Economy Pledge (MCEP)

✅ I will only use the profits of this Monero sale to purchase other products or services with Monero.

✅ I will not use an exchange to convert the profits of this Monero sale into a fiat currency.

✅ I will seek out and transact with other MCEP businesses where possible.

Learn more: https://mcep.moneromaster.com

Created 3 months, 1 week ago

Digital Item

Available stock 99

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