; [CAD files] Mega Transistor Clock DIY kit digital+binary w/parts or PCB - 50 / 48.5 x 37 cm

[CAD files] Mega Transistor Clock DIY kit digital+binary w/parts or PCB - 50 / 48.5 x 37 cm

/ Electronics

Seller Mek7

19.8k USD   /   85.20

Payment Direct Pay

This listing is for CAD files for my DIY construction - Mega Transistor Clock. Probably the largest DIY electronics kit in the world.
The CAD files can be used to customize the PCB, output gerber files and manufacture by your own. The project is in KiCAD (free software).
The price reflects the amount of work put by me into the design of this construction.

Created 1 year ago

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