; The Satanic Scriptures

[ Pending Moderation ] The Satanic Scriptures

/ Books, Movies, Music / Books & Magazines

Sold by tony70

0.02 XMR   /   1.84 USD

F OR MANY YEARS, I’ve been anxiously awaiting the book you now hold in your hands. It is full of fire, conviction, depth and intellectual power—as well as some devilish winks. When people ask me, “What kind of man is Peter H. Gilmore? Why did you appoint him High Priest?” I’d wish there was one book I could give them that would effectively showcase this multi-faceted individualist. Yes, I could easily direct inquirers to our website where one can find many terrific edicts and essays written by our new High Priest, or to back issues of The Black Flame, where earlier versions of many of these essays were incarnated, or I could just be a dictatorial ass and respond (preferably with a thick, fake-Hungarian/Germanic accent), “Because I know what is in his soul and I appointed him to the role he had earned! How dare you question my judgment!” That last bit would be a tad out of character, and not very Satanic. We aren’t too keen on taking things “on faith” and, while we all enjoy wicked posturing once in awhile, members of the Church of Satan deserve more than that.

Created 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Digital Item

Available stock 5000

1 XMR = 122.91 USD

May 4th, 2024 - 07:55 AM

