; Art collections + 1 Luxury Item

Art collections + 1 Luxury Item

/ Collectibles, Art / Art

Seller Giovanese

18.8k USD   /   90.65

Payment Direct Pay

UPDATE 02/11/2024
One of The Basquiat (( "King" one)) is sold ! The person asked to pay in $ and to remove the art (gallery buyer). 
(global price is updated also)

ALL THE OTHER ITEMS WILL BE SOLD HERE IN XMR. No other exception, thanks.

Happy birthday Moneros ! 
Enjoy the Binance delisting ! 

For this special day, I sell some rare items from my small personal collection.
All items are legits and auction starting prices estimations in Euros have been made by Côte Basque Enchères in Biarritz - France.

Prices are a little bit lower than  auction starting prices.
There is a global price based on adding each individual prices.

DM if you are interested by for the entire lot or one specifically. Thanks

Jean - Michel BASQUIAT artwworks are sold with official certificates of authenticity from  the Jean-Michel BASQUIAT ESTATE.
(2 certificates) and both  have been presented for a private retrospective at the Enrico Navarra Galery (Paris) early 2000.

The 2 KOKIAN have 2  certificates of authenticity also.

Shipping costs wil be based on value (insurance costs)

Created 1 year, 1 month ago

Location France

Tracking number provided

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