; Package of six nfts at the Doge chain dogeparty. which I have made. The pictures belong to different projects rare doge, rare reject and dankdogeclub

Package of six nfts at the Doge chain dogeparty. which I have made. The pictures belong to different projects rare doge, rare reject and dankdogeclub

/ Collectibles, Art

Sold by Thgswe

40 USD   /   0.34 XMR

Package of six nfts at the Doge chain dogeparty. which I have made. The pictures belong to different projects rare doge, rare reject and dankdogeclub

Good price under the floor.

https://raredogedirectory.com/ https://dankdogeclub.com/all-series/

After sale, the cards are sent to your dogeparty compatible wallet. https://dogeparty.net/ https://dogeparty.xchain.io/

Gallery to see the cards: https://token.art/thgswe/doge

CARD 1 SHERLOCKDOGE Rare Doge Serie 11 Card 4 TOTAL SUPPLY : 300

CARD 2 DUMPDOGE Rare Reject Serie 6 Card 49 TOTAL SUPPLY : 200

CARD 3 DOGETWAIN Rare Reject Serie 13 Card 7 TOTAL SUPPLY : 200

CARD 4 DOGEGOALKEEP Rare Reject Serie 13 Card 7 TOTAL SUPPLY : 251

CARD 5 DOGECOUNCIL Dank Doge Club Serie 14 Card 16 TOTAL SUPPLY : 126

CARD 6 ORWELLDOGE Dank Doge Club Serie 1 Card 15 TOTAL SUPPLY : 126

Created 1 year, 2 months ago

Digital Item

Escrow period 10 days

Available stock 5

1 XMR = 118.09 USD

April 20th, 2024 - 08:50 AM

