; Programming, system administration services

[ Pending Moderation ] Programming, system administration services

/ Services

Sold by kimapr

30 USD   /   0.23 XMR

Experienced programmmer (have been doing it as a hobby for more than 6 years) and Linux user. Languages: Lua, Javascript, PHP, Rust, C, C++, English, Russian. Things I have done include: - JS-free web game (2048) with animations powered by streamed HTML (cursed hacks). https://kimapr.net/2048.php/ - Remote-controlled smartphone-vibrator web app with end to end encryption. https://kimapr.net/wapps/vibrate/ - FastCGI server from scratch in Lua. https://github.com/Kimapr/fcgi.lua/ - Server setup, including nginx, onion services, other. Running a matrix server on my laptop with a reverse proxy on my VPS. - LVM on LUKS (full disk encryption) Arch Linux installation done from an existing Debian host system using Docker because I didn't want to boot the ISO. - Risky disk partitioning operations done successfully without backups. Booting from GRUB rescue after a fucked up bootloader install. - Random scripts for personal use. etc

Website: https://kimapr.net/ (not much there yet). Contact: - Matrix: @root:kimapr.net - Telegram: @Kimapr I might not be checking this site regularly so using the above contact methods is recommended.

Created 5 months ago

Digital Item

Available stock 65535

1 XMR = 130.82 USD

May 9th, 2024 - 01:23 PM

