; uThrive Carbon 60

uThrive Carbon 60

/ Health and Beauty / Natural medicine

Seller uthrive

130 USD   /   0.63

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Carbon 60 (C60) is a game-changing antioxidant that acts like a sponge for free radicals. Before this 60-atom carbon miracle molecule won the Nobel Prize in 1996, toxicity studies on mice & rats (when they try to kill them with ridiculously high doses) ironically resulted in seemingly ageless & borderline immortal rodents. This single tool has the ability to compensate for shortcomings in your holistic health routine thanks to its almost limitless ability to collect positively charged free radicals. Free radicals are the root of many problems and they come into existence when we are exposed to harmful toxins (such as toxic metals, chemicals, microplastics, GMO foods, radiation, etc.), are under stress (mental or physical), lack certain nutrients (which you shouldn't be if you are taking Yellow Juice ), and/or naturally as our DNA degrades. Free radicals damage healthy cells, causing oxidation & problematic inflammation that eventually becomes symptomatic. This can be anything from joint pain & general fatigue, to life-threatening chronic illness. Your oxidative stress related symptoms get diagnosed by an allopathic doctor and some label will be applied to your "condition", leading to fear-driven decision making on your part and the cycle repeats with pharmaceuticals and/or surgeries being introduced into the mix. AVOID THIS PATTERN ALTOGETHER! Carbon 60 helps you drastically reduce the rate at which oxidative stress occurs, providing a virtual force field for your immune system to function at full capacity. Because of this, if you take C60 regularly you may not get noticeably sick again (but if you do, don't worry we have that covered too! Just grab a Spike This!! ).

Carbon 60 Tutorial Video: https://www.brighteon.com/9263e74e-91ac-4605-bce0-493137eec707

Created 1 year, 5 months ago

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