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3310 Nokia anti Interception safeguards the user. The Nokia anti interceptor phone has dual sim capacity with a unique phantom emulator. This phone ensures you alerts, should your call become hacked or intercepted by MTM attack. GSM Interception equipment is common, & used by many. Such equipment is capable of listening in on your conversations and reading your text messages. Nokia anti interceptor phone location security. The phones IMEI and IMSI are secure, keeping the user safe from GSM interception and remote hackers. The Nokia alerts you as soon as a fake BTS mobile mast acquires your phone number. The Nokia anti interceptor phone can spoof its physical location, connecting to a distant cell tower to ensure personal location security. The range can be up to 10Km depending on cell mast proximity, the user selects the mast they would like to connect too. Spoof distence is subjective depending on cell mast proximity. The Nokia makes GSM location very hard or impossible by technical triangulation, therefore protecting you from physicall danger. The Nokia can not be tracked or located by hackers, paparazzi and other undesirables. Crypto TRACER & Sandbox security function. The crypto tracing function detects”unlawful” interception by GSM intersepters (Network Switch Based Interception). The Nokia IMEI engine and other software components have a separate partition in the phones operating system. All functionas are routed through the sandbox. Restarting of the phones IMSI system is suppressed. This feature protects against abnormal network characteristics (IMSI Catchers/GSM Interceptors). The function protects the user’s data and exact physical location. What is the Nokia anti interceptor phone network Check? Once launched, the function will start checking the local uplink for both active and passive GSM interception probability. The functions shows history of interception performed with Active/Semi-Active GSM Interceptors. The process monitored 30 different GSM/GPRS systems, to ensure a suitable uplink is present on the connected cell mast anywhere in the world. Nokia C1 / C2 monitoring. By forcing cell components, the C2 parameter change by active and semi-active GSM Interceptors. The Nokia detects the difference if disconnect from the genuine provider’s network cell mast. Hackers connect your phone to the fake or rogue BTS, impersonated by the interception equipment. This type of attack is called BCCH manipulation, used by all modern GSM Interceptors. Nokia anti interceptor phone security mode. Please note that you need at least 2 Nokia 3310 to use the SMS encryption feature and anti interception mode. If Interception occurs, messages will be blocked, and call alert notifications display on the phone’s screen. (Please note this phone does not change IMEI number)
Created 1 year, 3 months ago
Location Germany
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Stock 1