/ Health and Beauty / Natural medicine
Seller AkeruShinzo
17 USD
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This is very fine Rapé made from purely organic high quality tobbaco leaves and figtree ashes. This product is grounded by hand and is far more potent and pure than usual products sold on mainstream shops! 7 grams bottles. What is Rapé Tabaco snuff is a sacred shamanic medicine or tool, that has been used by tribes of the Amazon basin for thousands of years and is an essential part of their tribal culture and history. Rapé is the name for one of many of these snuffs, and it's foundation lies by numerous indiginous tribes in Acre, Brazil. Curiously, Rapé is not sniffed, snorted or inhaled. Instead, it is administered (blown) into the nostrils with a special blowpipe called "Kuripe" (self administration) or "Tepi" (another person administers). This "blow" is quite forceful and not specifically pleasant. It can be rather shocking. The appearance of a Rapé is a grey- to sand coloured, very fine and dry dust. It is traditionally prepared by ceremonial pounding of Tabaco (N. rustica) with tree ashes, followed by patiently filtering it through a fine mesh, resulting in a dust as fine as 125 micron. The varieties of Tabaco used are not the commonly known N. tabacum, but N. rustica, such as "Corda" or "Moi" and in cases also "Mapacho". Given the potency of the tabaco, Nicotiana rustica, which is stronger and darker than Nicotiana tabacum, it can elicit mind alerting and grounding effects The ashes that are the second important component in a Rapé come from the bark of a variety of medicinal or sacred trees. The production and choice of ashes and the exact composition and ratio of ingredients often remain a secret of the tribe.
Created 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Location Spain
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