/ Services
Sold by Karolko
1.00 XMR / 195.97 USD
Hashcat-as-a-Service. The use of Hashcat or any password-cracking tool is generally considered legal under certain specific circumstances and when used responsibly and ethically. Here are allowed scenarios: 1./ Authorized Testing: If you are a security professional or part of an organization's IT team and have explicit authorization from the system owner to conduct password cracking as part of security testing or vulnerability assessment, it may be legal. 2./ Password Recovery: When you need to recover passwords for files, databases, or systems that you own or have explicit permission to access, using Hashcat to crack these passwords can be legal. 3./ Forensic Investigations: During digital forensics investigations, using Hashcat to recover passwords from evidence (with proper authorization and following legal procedures) is often considered legal. 4./ Educational and Research Purposes: In an educational or research setting, using Hashcat to study password security and improve defensive measures is generally acceptable, provided you adhere to your institution's guidelines.
Created 1 year, 4 months ago
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