; The Bell Curve PDF

The Bell Curve PDF

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3 USD   /   0.03 XMR

PDF of The Bell Curve by Herrnstein and Murray.


The Bell Curve is the most elaborate book on IQ or g (general cognitive ability) to date. Despite being from the 90s, it holds up excellently.

Authors show how IQ is a better predictor than Socioeconomic Status, Race, or Education on metrics such as: - Income - Job Performance - Crime - Welfare - Good parenting - Wealth - Employment - Divorce - Children Born Out of Wedlock

IQ deserves more research.

Created 1 year, 3 months ago

Digital Item

Escrow period 10 days

Available stock 10

1 XMR = 120.38 USD

April 26th, 2024 - 11:09 PM

